Monday, November 9, 2009

Sri Lanka Slams LTTE Proxies Attempt to Hold Elections

Sri Lanka Slams LTTE Proxies Attempt to Hold Elections, Sri Lanka has reacted strongly to attempts by the LTTE authorities to hold elections to “government crime” among the Tamil diaspora, as called on foreign governments not to allow the separatist activities in its territory.

The elections for the government of the “crime” of Tamil Eelam will be held in April 2010 between the diaspora community “Advisory Committee for Crime Interim Government of Tamil Eelam, had said on Nov. 5.

“If they try to perpetuate the terrorism of the LTTE in the appearance of the various movements over others, this will also be offset by us,” said Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said.

“No country should allow any host or group meetings that serve a separatist cause in Sri Lanka,” the Minister told the state run Sunday Observer.

“The LTTE is banned in countries like the U.S., where Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran which is said to have taken over the activities of the diaspora to the LTTE, is based”, the newspaper said.

Rudrakumaran, which is called the “coordinator of the group,” said the survey was conducted among the diaspora community to elect members for what they called the “Provisional Government of the Crime of Tamil Eelam (PTGTE).

International terrorism expert and professor at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, Rohan Gunaratna says the LTTE international wing factions Rudrakumaran heading political affairs of his party.

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